Splankna for Teens and Adults
Splankna is a biblically-based inner healing protocol that brings together the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an issue. By combining these three aspects clients are able to effectively clear emotionally or spiritually rooted issues from their bodies. This protocol is set completely in prayer and relies on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Splankna is a faith based protocol, however as long as a client is comfortable being prayed with and for, then this is a model they can participate in. For more information about Splankna, check out their website https://www.splankna.com
Splankna for Children
Splankna with children follows the exact same protocol as with adults. The biggest difference is that a parent will be present during sessions to act as a surrogate for their child with muscle testing. Parents will also be engaged in the content and healing portions by helping hold space as their child process what comes up.
Splankna for Animals
One really remarkable feature of Splankna is that it can be used with animals! Using Splankna with animals can help them clear emotion from their body, which can often help with behavioral issues or fears. The owner will be present for sessions, again to act as a surrogate for their furry friend.